Stud.IP is an opensource project for supporting attendance courses offered by universities, institutions of higher education and other educational institutions. The system was established at the Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Medienwissenschaft (ZiM) in the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in cooperation with Suchi & Berg GmbH (data-quest) , Göttingen. At the present further developing takes place at various locations (among others Göttingen, Osnabrück, Oldenburg, Bremen, Hannover, Jena) under coordination through the Stud.IP-CoreGroup.
Stud.IP is covered by the GNU General Public Licence, version 2.
Further information can be found under
www.studip.de ,
develop.studip.de and
blog.studip.de .
You can contact us via the following
mailing lists:
User enquiries, E-Mail:
studip-users@lists.sourceforge.net : Questions, suggestions and recommendations to the developers -
please no password queries!
News mailing list, E-Mail:
studip-news@lists.sourceforge.net : News about Stud.IP (registration necessary)
We invite all developers, administrators and users of Stud.IP to join the discussions on further developing and using the platform available at the developer server